His honesty, integrity and accountability are unimpeachable and unencumbered by outside influence.
The articles that I have read about this ESA scam posit some pretty phony reasons for allotting parents money from the state in order for them to send their kids to schools across town.
The Legislature must correct this error now. Even the playing field.
Today I have Hope that the Change to come is going to Make America Great Again.
People come from all over the world to ride the High Roller on the Strip. Wouldn’t you think that people would come to ride at ground level at super high speeds?
Commemorating historical places — such as the Freedom Riders, Birmingham Civil Rights and Reconstruction Era national monuments — ensures that our complex history is shared with present and future generations so that they learn about the stories, history and contributions of all Americans.
When properly developed, the monument and the park will attract many new visitors.
Nothing is going to change in this regard until there are more police and stiffer penalties.
Apparently, Mr. Fuss feels it is worth millions of taxpayer dollars to save some 100,000-plus travelers the “terrible inconvenience” of taking a ferry to the town of Ketchikan.
The city and Mayor Hafen specifically have been criticized previously for their hiring practices. In 2015 the Review-Journal reported that six of Mr. Hafen’s relatives were on the city payroll.
On the surface there can be some understanding of the need for more revenue to support county services as the area grows (“Clark County makes pitch for more stable formula,” Monday Review-Journal). With a little bit of analysis however it appears there is more of a spending problem than a revenue problem.
If the businesses would go one step further and actually use the E-Verify process when hiring, we would not need the costly “wall” nor any of the other costly steps
I’m just letting everyone know that if you attend an event with 5,000 people at one of these casinos that are now charging residents for parking, it will take you a long time to get out.
These elderly people have lost their entire fortunes, homes and, in some cases, the right to any family contact — all under the unfettered rules imposed by an unscrupulous association of doctors, judges and “court appointed guardians.”
The monopoly that a small group of elite families has enforced for nearly 50 years must come to an end. It has made the Las Vegas taxi industry weak and incompetent in the face of real competition.