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Question 4 ensures eminent domain protection

To the editor: In response to your Sept. 27 article, “Ballot Question 4 takes aim at PISTOL”: Every word of Question 4 was agreed upon in the course of dozens of meetings among Kermitt Waters, Don Chairez, Jacob Snow (of the Regional Transportation Commission) and myself, with the assistance of other legal experts. Mr. Waters — the sponsor of the People’s Initiative to Stop Taking Our Land (PISTOL) ballot question — and I testified together in favor of the language of ballot Question 4 at the Nevada Legislature.

Taking politics out of judicial selection? Sure

To the editor: After reading the Wednesday article on retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s support for appointing rather than electing judges, I feel compelled to give another side of the story.

State has plenty of options regarding taxes

To the editor: With the passing of Republican Gov. Kenny Guinn went the Nevada governor who had the courage and leadership to push through an $836 million tax increase in 2003 to balance the state’s budget. The tax increase was strongly opposed by many from his party, but it was necessary to prevent a budget meltdown.