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Plenty of locations for a new stadium

It seems to me that with all the brainpower we have in this town when it comes to building, it shouldn’t be that difficult to find the right place for the new stadium.

I am not really sure why it needs to be jammed into a very cramped space that would impede airplanes flying in and out of Las Vegas.

There is plenty of land available off of Interstate 15 around or near the South Point or off the beltway heading west. That would provide plenty of room for building and parking.

It seems to be pretty simple. I don’t know why there is such a problem figuring this out. Look at the speedway in North Las Vegas. Plenty of parking and nothing was impeded by its construction.

If you build it in the right place, they will come.

Daryl Morris

Las Vegas

Scary views

In his Wednesday column, Wayne Allyn Root wrote that he was proud of being called “deplorable” by Hillary Clinton.

Who is Mr. Root? I remember him as a sports tout selling his picks to gamblers. He actually had one good year before reverting to the mean.

He was, until 2012, a member of the Libertarian Party. In fact, he was the vice presidential candidate on the 2008 Libertarian ticket.

In addition, he appeared on a Virginia talk show in August and said some things so far out of the mainstream to be scary. Mr. Root was quoted as saying people who receive federal benefits such as Medicaid, welfare and food stamps should not be allowed to vote. He also added those who receive “free contraception” under the Affordable Care Act should be barred from voting.

In short, if Mr Root wants a working definition of someone “deplorable,” he should look in the mirror.

Irwin Kaufman

Las Vegas

Page turner

Allow me to reply to Robert Bencivenga’s letter in the Sept. 10 Review-Journal about “blow hard” Wayne Allyn Root.

If I can turn the channel every time Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama choose to offer their opinions on television, Mr. Bencivenga certainly has the option of turning the page in the newspaper.

It’s called freedom of speech.

Jerry Patchman

Las Vegas

Trump affair

In response to Rhonda Powell’s Sept. 16 letter to the editor, I first want to say that I am truly sorry that she was so horribly abused by her ex-husband, and thank goodness she got away from him.

But Ms. Powell said in her letter that she has never heard of any allegation that Donald Trump had an affair while married. It is a matter of record — and one that can be easily confirmed — that Mr. Trump had an affair with Marla Maples while married to his first wife, Ivana.

Donald Trump has said so many contemptuous things about so many, we sometimes forget that words often create emotional damage to the parties he has abused verbally.

It is a mystery to me, how so many people think he is fit to be president of the United States.

Susan Weinstein

Las Vegas

LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.