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President Donald Trump is right: Haiti isn’t a garden spot.

In response to Pete Vazquez’s Tuesday letter scolding President Donald Trump for calling Haiti a s—-hole: If you don’t think that was a proper evaluation of that side of the island, go there. The difference between the quality of life in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic is astounding.

If your vacation plans are aimed toward a miserable time, Haiti is the place to go. On arrival in port, you will be appointed a “guide” who will take you directly to your fenced-in hotel. The fence is there not only for your protection, it’s there because the government of Haiti doesn’t want you to see the adverse poverty, crumbling infrastructure and the crime, which includes murder and kidnapping.

Not sending money to Haiti has nothing to do with racism. It has to do with sending money to a dictatorship whose people will never see the benefits. There is a stark difference between the living conditions in Haiti and those of the Dominican Republic.

Dictator Francois Duvalier, also known as Papa Doc, murdered anywhere from 30,000 to 60,000 civilians who were suspected of plotting to overthrow his regime. Thousands more were sent to his notorious prison without trial or hope of release. When he died, his son, Baby Doc, took over and carried on as usual.

What the president said was true: Haiti is a sewer. As for his language? Lyndon Johnson used language that would make a Marine blush. His potty mouth was surpassed only by his incompetence in dealing with the Vietnam War.

With the stock market booming, the lowest unemployment rate in decades and a huge tax break on the horizon for everyone, most people would be happy to see a new dawn for the economic welfare of the American worker. Unfortunately, there are still those who mourn the loss of an election. How sad.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

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