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Reform needed after dog incident

In response to the Review-Journal’s Aug. 3 story, “Dog dies after being left inside Henderson Animal Control vehicle”:

It is hard for me to believe how an Animal Control officer could leave a small dog in his vehicle parked outside for more than 15 hours. One can only imagine the suffering of that dog in a small compartment with temperatures of more than 150 degrees without air conditioning and water.

Also disturbing was the fact that a vet, who checked the chip in the dog and apparently learned the owner’s identity, turned the animal over to Animal Control. How lazy can a vet be?

The Animal Control officer needs to be terminated. We should also learn the name of the vet. In addition, the Henderson animal shelter is too small for a city approaching 300,000. It needs to be enlarged and more staff hired.

Bill Thomas


Charitable deduction

I was glad to see a recent survey said we have so many charitable donors here in Nevada (Review-Journal Saturday editorial, “Charitable donations”). But while the uber-wealthy donate money to a favorite charity, a university, church or whatever, they in turn receive up to a 39 percent federal tax deduction for their contribution. Meanwhile, the average middle-class family may get 15 percent or less, if they can even claim any deductions at all.

It’s time to eliminate all of these crazy write-offs. Start with a progressive flat tax and eliminate this distorted charitable donor playing field by doing what God and America’s Founding Fathers always wanted, separating church and state.

Richard Rychtarik

Las Vegas

Health issues

Undecided voters may be influenced in November by the health of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both of them are considered to be senior citizens yet their medical records are not common knowledge.

We all know that eating fast food may have medical consequences (“Burger Meister: Trump Likes McDonald’s,” July 22 Review-Journal). Mrs. Clinton, on the other hand, may eat healthy but developed a blood clot a few years ago.

Choosing a president may be a no-brainer if their health were a topic of conversation, as voters may have the option to choose short term over long term.

Linda Parker

Las Vegas

Head games

Donald Trump’s self-destructive narrative is systematically destroying his chance at being elected our president. His offensive comments have upset many voting groups, including — but not limited to — the disabled, Muslims, Mexicans, and women.

Why is this highly successful, very intelligent man behaving in such a politically suicidal manner? One logical explanation is that he really doesn’t want to be president; consciously, he is not even aware of this.

Mr. Trump is a narcissist who is obsessed with control and winning. If he became president, his management efforts would be consumed by the highest office in the land. There would be no time to oversee his vast personal business interests and others would have to take on the management of his empire. So unconsciously he is derailing his campaign.

His campaign managers need to consult with psychologists to address his unconscious motivations.

Michael J. Di Bella

North Las Vegas

Journalistic integrity

Jane Ann Morrison’s Sunday article, “Still Haunted,” on Jay Sebring, who was murdered at the hands of the so-called Manson family, delved beyond the highly publicized killings and into cultural awareness and the continued fight for justice.

The article handled subject matter — deeply personal and painful to our family — with journalistic integrity and human dimension. No measure can express our respect and gratitude to the Review-Journal and Jane Ann Morrison.

Margaret DiMaria

Las Vegas

The writer is the sister of Jay Sebring.

LETTER: $%#$ those California plates!

Every time I go anywhere, I see vehicles with expired plates, no plates and no temporary registration. Every time. Where are the traffic police?

LETTER: America’s gun culture

We as Americans have been left with no other choice but to learn how we can protect our families.

LETTER: Yes, Republicans want to ban abortion

If you are pro-choice, be careful for whom you vote. Don’t be fooled. A vote for any Republican going to Congress is a vote to ban choice.

LETTER: Thanks a lot, Joe Biden

Three years ago, the White House and its liberal economists told us inflation is “transitory.” It’s just taking 30 times longer to transition than they estimated.