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Republicans for Reid now in the juice

To the editor:

On what policies did the "Republicans for Reid" -- those elite guardians of free-market, small government principles -- find accommodation with Harry Reid? Socialized medicine, trillion-dollar borrowing and spending, the tax and regulation war on private enterprise, or amnesty for illegal aliens?

Or did they really find Sharron Angle so extreme?

Unlike Harry Reid, she never betrayed American soldiers in battle, never bribed anyone and never used her office to enrich herself. Unlike Harry Reid's political allies, she isn't a rapist, a homicidal drunk, a KKK recruiter or a plagiarist -- and she never cheated on a spouse dying from cancer.

The Republicans for Reid must have gotten something pretty juicy from Sen. Reid for selling out their honor and integrity. The last time someone gave a politician what this group gave Harry Reid, all she got in return was a stained blue dress.

Lynn Muzzy


Gaming's man

To the editor:

I don't know how MGM Resorts International CEO Jim Murren can say Sen. Harry Reid is good for the gaming industry. Never once did Sen. Reid chastise President Barack Obama for making disparaging remarks about the banking/financial industry holding their meetings in Las Vegas.

Sen. Reid doesn't understand nor care about gaming in Nevada. His record has proved he doesn't.

Larry Bender

Las Vegas

Polling place

To the editor:

Your role as a newspaper is to report the news. You have the absolute right to have and state your editorial position. These positions, however, should not be carried forth when you conduct your "scientific" political polls.

It appears each poll you conduct misses by a wide margin -- and always in favor of the Republican candidate. In the future, please leave the polling to the voters if you cannot do an unbiased job.

J. Rosenfeld

Las Vegas

Sign of the times

To the editor:

Now that the election is over, where are all the people who were calling my house seven days a week, morning, noon and night? I don't understand why all these campaign workers now don't go out and remove all the campaign signs.

It's bad enough that all the people who have rummage sales don't take their signs down when the sale is over, but, we have to look at these other eye-sores for days after the election?

Win, lose or draw, candidates should take care of these signs.

Dick Davenport

Las Vegas

Not so dumb

To the editor:

On Wednesday, a letter writer made fun of her hairdresser in a letter to the editor concerning "stupid Las Vegans."

While the writer was correct in that the hairdresser mispoke when stating that the San Andreas fault runs through Yucca Mountain, the writer left out the fact that it is actually the Bow Ridge fault that runs directly under where they planned to store the highly radioactive casks.

People who were living here in 1992 remember a 5.7 magnitude earthquake centered eight miles from Yucca. It destroyed or damaged a number of DOE facilities.

The writer, who recently moved here from California, was of the opinion that "dummies abound in Las Vegas." Could all the Californians that have moved here be one possible cause of the stupidity?

Marcel Ralbovsky

Las Vegas

Good riddance

To the editor:

Poor state Sen. Bill Raggio, R-Reno. He was sacked by his own ("Bill Raggio ousted from Nevada Senate minority leadership post," Friday Review-Journal)?

I don't think so. He shot himself in the foot.

Bill Raggio is about as Republican as Arlen Specter and nothing more than just another politician looking out for No. 1. Good bye and good riddance, Bill -- and be sure to take your lap dogs with you.

Bruce Feher

Las Vegas

Loyal to north?

To the editor:

Like Gov. Jim Gibbons before him, Brian Sandoval is from Reno. Do any of you think that Gov. Gibbons was the least bit interested in us Nevadans living in Clark County? No, in the tradition of politicians from up north, his first interest was to provide for Nevadans up north, and if that meant shortchanging Clark County, so be it.

We can only hope that newly-elected Gov. Sandoval will be concerned for the welfare of all Nevadans, not just the people up north. I'll believe it when I see it.

Richard J. Mundy

Las Vegas

Opt out

To the editor:

In a recent letter, Camilla Wright asks how many voters would be willing to opt out of Social Security. Well, Ms. Wright, I, along with many of my fellow citizens who are too young to collect now, would be glad to opt out of Social Security.

But, alas, it will sadly never happen. Why? if the government stopped collecting Social Security from me and the untold millions who would surely opt out, the only people who would suffer would be the people collecting the benefit now.

That's because the government decided the money should be used for things other than Social Security -- and there is no vault housing all Social Security payments. So I ask Ms. Wright: Why am I forced to pay into something with the promise of being able to collect it in my later years, when in actuality there isn't going to be enough workers or money?

John Walls


LETTER: Democrats vow to obstruct the Trump administration

Democrats are showing their true colors by not losing with grace and character, understanding why they lost and taking steps within the party to improve their image and actions.