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There’s a large political void on the Nevada political scene

We suffer from a void here in Nevada. No, it isn’t sand and rocks — we have plenty of sand and rocks. We suffer from a leadership void.

Our governor, Republican in name, has decided to throw caution aside and skirt the boundary between ignorant liberalism and lukewarm conservatism, that pool he wants to languish in during elections but leaps out of at the first hint of heat. As a result, he and his gimme-gimme colleagues saddled us with the largest tax increase in Nevada history, kicking us to the curb like an Uber rider who can’t pay the fare. That’s Republican leadership?

We also suffer from a void in our state’s representation in the U.S. Senate. There, we have chosen two feckless representatives who, between them, manage to get absolutely nothing done. They cancel each other out, leaving the citizens of their state without representation. Dean Heller is a Republican in the Sandoval mold. Catherine Cortez Masto is no more than a mindless marionette, dancing to whatever tune comes out of Harry Reid’s evil pipe.

You remember Harry Reid? The Scourge of the Senate, the Skateboarder from Searchlight? What is he doing now, you ask? Why, he’s got a little cottage in Anthem Country Club, where it is reported he has been spotted up on Black Mountain under a full moon, dancing around a bonfire and cackling like Rumpelstiltskin high on recently legalized marijuana.

Next year we go to the polls to elect a senator and a handful of representatives. So far, our collective judgment has been faulty, our reasoning impoverished. Will we make the same mistakes again? Or have we learned that liberalism and faux conservatism only get us in trouble? We need to return to the solid, provable tenets of the Republican Party and elect people who will respect those tenets and demonstrate them. Maybe beginning next year we can start cleaning up this mess.

LETTER: No conspiracy involving Hunter’s laptop

The R-J should acknowledge that Mr. Trump’s lies, frauds, defamations, criminal indictments and convictions are exponentially worse than Hunter’s laptop being evidence or any of the other alleged Biden missteps.

LETTER: Trump tries to win Nevada

Mr. Trump advocating for tax-free tip income is definitely one approach to winning Nevada. But my tip to Mr. Trump is to pick Marco Rubio and show the diversity of the GOP.

LETTER: Red Rock development ‘compromise’ is depressing

Red Rock Canyon is a fragile natural wonder. To claim that 3,500 homes and the traffic that goes with them, and changing the nature of the watershed, will not negatively impact the area is absurd.

LETTER: Russian warships off the Florida coast

It’s strange that the mainstream media are treating Russian combat ships miles off the Florida coast as nothing to see here.

LETTER: Columnist gaslights about Donald Trump

Mr. Trump would have not won if his affair with Stormy Daniels had been made public after the “Access Hollywood” tapes in which Mr. Trump brags that he grabs women by the genitals.

LETTER: A balanced approach on the energy transition

We will never be free of fossil fuels. A balanced approach is needed. Politically doctrinaire positions on both sides won’t help us resolve the current problems.