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There’s no need for a property tax hike

I read the Review-Journal article last week about the appointment of Yolanda King as Clark County manager. I was completely repulsed at her proposal to raise the cap on property taxes and use the money to “provide services to all of our constituents.” That is usually political-speak for more give-away programs and handouts.

Remember, the people of Clark County from whom she wants to take more money have gone for years with no salary or Social Security increases. Many of our homes are still underwater and prices for everything have gone up. We have just had the largest state tax increase in history and she thinks we can afford more?

I think it’s time to revisit the enactment of a Proposition 13 law for Nevada. No new taxes.

Claudette Dorian

Las Vegas

Scripted questions

As one of the many millions who watched the first presidential debate, I feel it came up short on both sides. As for all the personal digs and rebuffs, I found that to be business as usual.

One point did interest me, though, and that was Hillary Clinton’s remarks about Donald Trump’s tax returns. She repeatedly made a point about him not paying any federal income tax, implying that was the reason he didn’t want to disclose his returns. I would like to be able to ask her the question: Isn’t the goal of every tax-paying American to end up paying zero or even getting money back from the IRS?

If Mr. Trump did something illegally, that’s for the IRS audit to find out. But if he used the existing laws to avoid paying income tax, then what’s the problem? Mrs. Clinton ought to tread very lightly when discussing personal financial dealings, especially with the many unanswered question regarding the Clinton Foundation.

The rest of the debate left out a lot of topics that Americans want to discuss, such as immigration, our military and the Affordable Care Act. I hope the next two debates will cover these issues and others.

Personally, I think members of the various audiences should be involved. Candidates should field questions from them. You would probably get more of what Americans want to know than the scripted questions posed by the moderators.

Joe Schaerer

Las Vegas

Pension payments

After reading the letter in Wednesday’s Review-Jounal from Mike Mathews in regard to police and firefighters pensions, one tends to wonder: Is he serious? Has he ever been there to run into a burning building looking for survivors — or, much worse, to patrol the streets in this “anti cop” environment?

These brave men and women deserve all they receive, and much more. They are the first responders. The ones who are sworn to protect their neighbors and strangers, with no regard to their own lives. They know that at any time, this day of the job might be their last. Yet they still go out there each and every day doing their job to the best of their ability.

Do they make mistakes? Of course they do. Do teachers, clergy, dog groomers, hairstylists, doctors, etc. make mistakes? Yes they do, as well. But we don’t hear about those every night on the news.

I challenge Mr. Mathews to walk a mile in their shoes and feel the same about excessive pensions. And as far as a citizen saying, “I pay your salary,” guess what? These same police and firefighters pay part of their own salaries. I’m sure he never thought of that.

Taxes pay for services, plain and simple. Without taxes, there’d be no protection, no schools, no teachers, no road maintenance. The list goes on and on.

Sharon Hopp


Writing talent

I am only moderately interested in the modern music scene, but every single time I see Jason Bracelin’s name, I read his writing. He is engaging and descriptive. I wish I could write about him the way he writes about musicians and music. Every time I read his articles, I think, “Man, we are so lucky to have this in a local paper!”

Many things in the news are depressing; he is routinely a breath of fresh air. Thanks for quality writing, and to the Review-Journal for running his works.

Joanne Heins


LETTER: The debate disaster

The time for a new generation of leaders is now.

LETTER: Trump exposes the real Joe Biden

The most important take away from the debate could be this. Mr. Trump — on an adversarial network with biased moderators — gave many Americans a view of the real Joe Biden.

LETTER: A dangerous combination

Donald Trump and Sam Brown are extremists. These are two men who would sooner throw your vote away if it’s not for them.

LETTER: Missing the mark

These so-called CBO budget experts, if in the private sector, would be put out on the streets for their incompetence.