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Time to impose voter ID requirement in Nevada

By 2020, if you want to fly anywhere in the United States — a privilege, so we are told — you must present a Real ID or a passport. To be issued a Real ID Nevada driver’s license, the federal government requires a valid passport or original birth certificate, an original Social Security card and two utility bills proving your address.

So, after showing all these forms of identification proving my citizenship, I asked a DMV supervisor what forms of ID were required to register to vote given that there were numerous signs in the DMV promoting voter registration. She replied that no forms of ID were required to register to vote at the DMV, adding that voting was the responsibility of the registrar of voters and that I would have to take that up with them. So I did.

That office told me that to register to vote one needed a Nevada driver’s license and proof of your address such as a utility bill. I asked if there was a visual difference between a Nevada driver’s license issued to a legally registered alien and one issue to a U.S. citizens. I was told there were no differences. I then asked what prevented illegal aliens from registering to vote and was told that everyone had to check off a box stating they were a citizen of Nevada.

So there you have it, folks, our right to vote is protected by the honor system. This is exactly how voter fraud occurs in Nevada. We need — and should require — definitive proof of citizenship to register to vote, just the same as the feds require to obtain a Real ID.

For those who claim that voter fraud is virtually non-existent, West Virginia has recently found more than 5,000 individual cases of voter fraud where those illegal voters cast more than 7,500 fraudulent votes. We need to cross reference illegal aliens holding Nevada drivers licenses with the voting rolls. Those who oppose such analysis are very afraid, but why? Everyone should be on board in the effort to protect the integrity of our right to vote. Otherwise our legal votes are cancelled by those who decide to fraudulently check the wrong box.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

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