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Trump the follower is the biggest loser ever

The Republican nominee for president of the United States, the potential leader of the free world and commander in chief of our military, has been given orders that he must read the speeches prepared for him by the GOP establishment in order to be more presidential.

In other words, he is not allowed to say what he thinks.

He is an egotistical blowhard who is buckling to a group that loses presidential elections through stupidity and idiocy. He has constantly ranted how great his brain is and that he will be the best leader ever. But he has now shown his colors — he’s nothing but a follower.

The words that spew from his mouth do nothing but criticize and belittle the existing president, who has taken us from rags to riches.

Remember the rags were created by the last Republican establishment.

Wake up, Republicans, you have nominated the biggest loser ever.

Don Ellis


Unbroken run

All of you “Never Trump” Republicans should remember this: If Donald Trump does a bad job, we can — with the help of Democrats — easily get him out.

As for Hillary Clinton, if she does a bad job, she’ll get re-elected and be in office for eight years.

Then, Julian Castro of Texas is being groomed to run for the presidency. You have to elect him. It’s historic. He’s a good Hispanic. He’s not like those Republican Hispanics. Mr. Castro would be in office for eight years.

By that time, guess what? Chelsea Clinton, with a future political office under her belt, would be ready. It would be historical. The child from the union of two presidents would have to be elected and re-elected.

In the end, it would be 24 unbroken years of liberal Democrats in the presidency.

I rest my case.

Charles Mitchell

North Las Vegas

Protect yourselves

Are we missing something or is it willful ignorance? Who is responsible for protecting us?

The horrific murder of Christina Franklin and the shooting of her children sadly demonstrate once again that the legal system, laws, district attorneys, lawyers, judges and the police do not protect us (“Report details day care shooting,” June 18 Review-Journal).

A protective order with subsequent violations did not protect Ms. Franklin.

Laws denying guns to her killer did not protect her because bad guys don’t follow the law.

Attempts for more legal/police protection were fruitless.

As heroic as they are, police don’t protect us because they do not have the duty nor the ability to protect you, me or our neighbors. No duty is one reason police can stand by and watch Ferguson burn, watch Baltimore burn, wait four or five hours in Orlando and not protect us or Christina. In fact, the legal system made it difficult for her to get a weapon to protect herself even when all knew she was in danger and not a threat to anyone.

New gun control proposals on the upcoming November ballot will make it even more difficult. Where is the common sense in that?

So who is left to protect us? The mugger in the parking garage and the home-invading thugs aren’t waiting for 9-1-1. We the people are responsible for our own protection — always have been for centuries and always will be.

Unless you favor the cave-man theory that might makes right, we need to arm ourselves, get the proper training and implement proper safety protocols. Then we can rest easier knowing we have done the best we can to protect our families, neighbors and neighborhoods.

Certainly do not let the naysayers, who definitely will not protect you and yours, interfere with your protection by enacting more gun control laws for your own good.

Alan Smith


LETTER: Power to the people!

Ranked-choice voting would be a boon to Nevada.

LETTER: The cost of driving in Las Vegas

Auto insurance rates are soaring. I am in favor of anything that will lower the cost of mandated insurance policies.