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Trump’s “tough” talk simply designed to spur dialogue

On Tuesday, Review-Journal letter writer Pete Vazquez gave us his take on some recent “tough” talk coming from the Oval Office. He does not realize these crude comments are English shortcuts designed to save time while facilitating a dialogue during high-level conversations.

The comments were confidental in nature — similar to a bedroom conversation — and shared in trust with the belief and unspoken understanding they would not be repeated. But one senator decided to breach that trust and thereby destroyed the bipartisan goodwill from a productive meeting that took place two days prior.

This was not about race or people. It was about poor economic conditions in other countries. The reference to Norway was strictly a PR gesture, as the country’s prime minister was in town.

Sadly, this is just more politics while the nation needs both a budget and immigration reform.

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

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