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Wayne Allyn Root is correct: Golden Knights experience is the best

Rarely do I agree with Wayne Allen Root, but his Thursday column was dead on (“NHL experience provides what NFL used to offer”). The Knights experience is the best game in town.

In each game they have honored a member of the military or first responder, and the crowd goes wild. And they aren’t the only team to do this. We went to watch the Knights play in Arizona, and the Coyotes did the same.

One point to make to Mr. Root: Next time you go to the game, watch the players when they announce the military or first responder of the game. All of the players from both teams stand and bang their sticks on the boards. This is the way they show their respect for these true heroes.

It truly is an amazing game with amazing people on the ice and in the stands. Go Knights!

LETTER: Barefoot and pregnant?

We ladies have had to fight the bulk of the 20th century to be recognized, educated and rewarded.