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Westgate sign a menace for nearby residents

John Katsilometes’ Sunday column touts the massive new 15,000-square-foot flashing street signage from the Westgate Hotel on Paradise Road. Not everyone is as excited about this new bright signage as “Kats” is, as there are well more than 2,000 condo bedroom windows within a block of this sign, which are now assaulted directly by the bright flashing images, 24 hours a day.

The light is so bright that it makes evenings in the area outside appear to be daylight. The light pollution assault is really a trespassing invasion right into our homes. I know of dozens of Turnberry Place and Turnberry Towers homeowners who are in the process of installing very expensive blackout curtains and drapes over their windows in an attempt to block out the flashing light invasion.

We no longer get to enjoy the evening city views we paid for and instead must find ways to shield out this light pollution. If the signage is permitted to stay, some residents think property values in the area for units facing the sign could suffer a loss of $50,000 — some feel $100,000 or more for each unit. The sign is the tallest free-standing sign in the entire world, and it’s also a road safety issue, as blinding and flashing lights are assaulting drivers.

This area is zoned for businesses but also zoned and approved by Clark County for residential homes. There should have been a fair balance between the two in the area, but Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani, who alone represents our area, ignored testimony from residents at multiple hearings on the sign. She failed to even respond or acknowledge our comments.

A quick check of her political campaign contributions reveals she regularly receives money from the gaming and related industries. That might help explain her support for this outrageous signage, which has destroyed lives, residential homes and property values.

LETTER: The carbon-spewing Biden family

Climate change is an existential threat to mankind, animals and plants. Why doesn’t the Biden family lead the way?

LETTER: The Trump show trial

Remember, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi and Sir Thomas More — all innocent men — were also declared to be guilty.

LETTER: No conspiracy involving Hunter’s laptop

The R-J should acknowledge that Mr. Trump’s lies, frauds, defamations, criminal indictments and convictions are exponentially worse than Hunter’s laptop being evidence or any of the other alleged Biden missteps.

LETTER: Trump tries to win Nevada

Mr. Trump advocating for tax-free tip income is definitely one approach to winning Nevada. But my tip to Mr. Trump is to pick Marco Rubio and show the diversity of the GOP.

LETTER: Red Rock development ‘compromise’ is depressing

Red Rock Canyon is a fragile natural wonder. To claim that 3,500 homes and the traffic that goes with them, and changing the nature of the watershed, will not negatively impact the area is absurd.

LETTER: Russian warships off the Florida coast

It’s strange that the mainstream media are treating Russian combat ships miles off the Florida coast as nothing to see here.