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Why no RJ editorials on the Russian meddling?

When is the Review-Journal going to do its job and address in its editorials the Russian attacks on our election process and attacks on our government decision-making?

It was made clear by our national intelligence agencies that Russian hackers directly interfered, through hacked emails and phony internet releases, with our 2016 national election. It is also clear, through Donald Trump’s stated denials of this fact, that his administration has not and will do nothing about this Russian attack. Yet, we have not heard a word of criticism from the paper.

Now it is clear that this attack from Russia is continuing, with false internet communication, using hacked identification of real Americans to influence government decisions on policy and regulatory decisions. Two such decisions involve internet neutrality and protection over retiree investment accounts. Again, instead of the Review-Journal expressing any outrage over such an attack by the Russians, the paper applauds Mr. Trump’s regulatory rollbacks.

These Russian attacks have a real, negative influence on our ability to maintain our democratic way of life, a way of life that Vladimir Putin simply hates. And yet the Review-Journal remains silent. How about we put politics aside and come to the aid of our country?

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