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Will we learn from the Bundy case and demand less government?

orrupt government

The news that the Bundy case was dropped due to specious government actions was no surprise. But the question is simple: Will we learn from this continuum of events and demand less government?

During the Obama administration, we heard a narrative that government was the solution to all of our problems. Massive increases in regulations and government mandates were supposed to protect us from every evil imaginable. But there was one evil these rules didn’t protect us from: the government itself.

We saw the IRS target ordinary Americans for their political beliefs. We saw larger and more robust agencies such as the Department of Justice flout the Constitution with no reprisals. We are seeing the FBI being exposed for using its powers to assist one political party to damage the other side’s presidential candidate. And now, we see the government’s case against the Bundys being dismissed due to the withholding of evidence and the realization that BLM officials did provoke the confrontation and lied about their actions.

Government is not the answer. The power lies in the people who work hard every day to take care of their families. That is the backbone of America — and when you vote, remember the above laundry list of corruption when you hear a progressive preach about all the good things the government will do for you. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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