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You may not like Donald Trump, but he’s still our president

Doesn’t the Review-Journal have some standard for determining what letters to the editor are published? Allowing writers to make absurd, unfounded, libelous statements or allegations serves no legitimate purpose.

In Tuesday’s Review-Journal, letter writer Richard Strickland wrote, “There is no question that President Trump is mentally ill.” That outrageous statement is not only untrue but patently ridiculous.

Mr. Strickland joins the likes of Rep Maxine Waters and other members of the left who continue to claim President Trump had some involvement with Russia even though not a single trace of evidence supports that conclusion. To allow this heinous statement to appear on your pages goes far beyond responsible journalism.

Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States. Like him or not and whether or not you supported him, he should be treated with the respect that office demands.

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