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Pick the right religion!

Attorney Jesse Sbaih — who’s campaigning for the Democratic nomination in the 3rd Congressional District — made some headlines last week when he accused Sen. Harry Reid of discouraging him from running.

Happy retirement to a real broadcast pro

This being April Fool’s Day, how I wish the subject of this column was only a put-up job with a “just kidding” punchline at the end. Sadly for all of us, it’s not.

Guns at political conventions? Sure, why not?

Leave it to those humorless, sunglasses-wearing, sleeve-talking killjoys at the U.S. Secret Service to take all the fun out of a political convention.

An answer on taxes

The conservative Republican primary season has officially gotten underway, as members of the party’s anti-tax wing begin to confront their moremoderate peers on the campaign trail as both vie for voter’s approval.

Confronting armed rebels a job for Congress?

Say what you will about the Center for American Progress, but don’t say the group lacks faith in the government of the United States.

Angle returns to offer chaos on campaign trail

If you’d have asked me before the close of filing last week, I’d have told you I didn’t think there was any way former Assemblywoman Sharron Angle would file to run again for U.S. Senate.

Agitation from either side merits condemnation

By international and historical standards, political violence is exceedingly rare in the United States. The last serious outburst was 1968, with its bloody Democratic convention riots. By that standard, 2016 is, as yet, tame. It may not remain so.

Robot cars for Vegas!

We should induce Google to test their driverless cars right here in Las Vegas. In fact, we provide the perfect place to do it.

Arguments against Garland nomination all fail

In the space of a morning news conference in the Rose Garden of the White House, the dilemma faced by the Shutdown Party went from abstract and theoretical to acute and imminent.

Voters have to decide who is the real Trump

So who’s the real Donald Trump? I ask because there are plenty of people — not least Trump himself — who’ve suggested the brash, sometimes boorish public personaisn’t at all the real Trump. But since Trump is the Republican front-runner, it’s a question that has plenty of import for Democrats andRepublicans.

Trumping the Legislature?

Can the Donald Trump Effect trump gerrymandering?

Sanders, American Jews must balance legacy

It would be a tragedy for American Jews to make the Holocaust the principal legacy bequeathed to their children.

Primary princesses target party’s ugly stepbrothers

It’s primary season, so naturally candidates are going to be more concerned about defeating rivals in their own party than they are in the cross-aisle opposition they’ll face in the general election.

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