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National Coming Out Day serves an important purpose

I was taken back by professor Matthew H. Birkhold’s Wednesday op-ed, “It’s time to end National Coming Out Day.” This is a day on which people of all ages and backgrounds are supported by their community to take one of the most important and scariest steps of their lives. He states that, “For people in different circumstances, this day might provide much-needed support and strength.” That just negated his whole argument. That is the whole point.

As the executive director for an organization that helps LGBTQ homeless youth become amazing citizens, I must say that it is irresponsible for a self-proclaimed “white, 30-something, married professor” to want to take away the security and community support that Coming Out Day means to them. LGBTQ youth have a much higher rate of suicide, homelessness, violence and exploitation than their heterosexual peers. Coming out to their family and community gives them strength, support, pride and self-esteem.

I’ll never forget one of my clients from my past position, the director of the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada. He drank liquid pipe cleaner to commit suicide. His therapist told him not to come out to his parents because it would just cause problems. It almost killed him. He is now a happily married man who has adopted four amazing kids.

My last point is that Mr. Birkhold wants to end National Coming Out Day, but the first words of his essay were, “As an openly gay professor.” He insisted on coming out to his readers before his story.

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