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LETTER: Donald Trump isn’t right for America

In ways not so difficult to understand, some individuals who have been opposed to Donald Trump from the beginning now hope that the president will continue his destructive march through Georgia, burning everything of value. Doing so would demonstrate how unprepared, shallow and unqualified he is for the office of president.

Examples abound: dropping the Affordable Care Act prior to revising it; rejecting environmental safeguards and global warming; constructing a wall at another nation’s expense; spending billions of dollars to militarily “make America great again”when it already is; promoting torture as a viable means of interrogating prisoners; a boxcar approach to collecting and expelling undocumented immigrants; and, finally, his willingness to bend the truth and exaggerate.

Bottom line: Donald Trump is not right for America.

LETTER: Tired rhetoric on green energy

Nevadans should look west to California, where 100 percent of that huge state’s energy was recently supplied by renewable sources for a stretch of more than nine hours.