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LETTER: Sore loser Joey Gilbert throws cash down the drain

Am I having a flashback? Not another Republican candidate who can’t bear to hear the words “you lost” refusing to concede an election and instead alleging massive voting fraud despite a paucity of evidence.

Does anybody besides Joey Gilbert really believe that a recount is going to deliver him more than 25,000 votes and make him the Nevasda GOP’s nominee for governor?

But what makes my blood boil is the nearly $200,000 that his campaign has put toward such foolishness. There are so many worthy charities or even political causes that are desperate for money like that, but instead a small fortune will be thrown at a recount that everyone knows will prove fruitless.

No one likes to lose, but losing builds character and maturity. I would like Mr. Gilbert to show both and put his money toward something admirable.

LETTER: Tired rhetoric on green energy

Nevadans should look west to California, where 100 percent of that huge state’s energy was recently supplied by renewable sources for a stretch of more than nine hours.