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LETTER: The good, the bad and the ugly

The good:

President Donald Trump boosted our national economy; built the most expensive, state-of-the-art border wall; minimized illegal entries; nominated and confirmed more federal judges than past presidents; succeeded with the speedy approval of COVID vaccines via the Warp Speed project; in partnership with Israel, transferred the American Embassy to Jerusalem; brokered peace treaties between Israel and a few Middle East countries; and prevented and delayed resumption of nuclear testings by North Korea.

The bad:

Mr. Trump disengaged with our major partners on climate change with no clear endpoints; severed ties with Iran on nuclear proliferation agreements; actively passed executive orders against entry of illegal migrants and families; adamantly refused to concede defeat despite democratic election results and more than 60 lost election lawsuits; lied daily or weekly with bothersome tweets; dismissed and replaced Cabinet members, staff and close friends without seeking advice from GOP leaders and lawmakers; often acted on his own to do bad things instead of good; and refused to honor and recognize Sen. John McCain as a hero.

And the ugly:

Mr. Trump permitted, tolerated and encouraged his supporters to protest in large numbers at the Capitol on Jan. 6 when Congress was meeting to approve the Electoral College result. This resulted in five deaths and bloodshed, including the death of one law enforcement officer. It was despicable, disgraceful and un-American.

LETTER: Tired rhetoric on green energy

Nevadans should look west to California, where 100 percent of that huge state’s energy was recently supplied by renewable sources for a stretch of more than nine hours.