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Sen. Dean Heller making a mistake on health care bill

Wayne Allyn Root was spot on in his Thursday analysis of Dean Heller’s stand against the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Why a politician would go so far to destroy his career is curious. Sen. Heller has voted middle of the road, but one wonders what has gotten to him to make him do something so self-destructive.

As usual, Mr. Root nailed the Obamacare legacy when he described it as “how to destroy the greatest economy in the world.” Obamacare was sold through lies to the American people, as in, “You can keep your doctor.” Johnathan Gruber, the Obamacare architect, even said the bill relied on “the stupidity of the American voter” to get passed.

This transfer of wealth from the middle class was a scheme planned to eventually fail and to expand Medicaid to a one-payer system — something like the VA care for our veterans who die waiting for care. That’s how socialism works (see: Venezuela).

Sen Heller knows this but has chosen to support increased taxes on the middle class by holding out on the repeal of this law. What’s in it for him?

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